Why do people sell/exchange?

  1. Activate / solidify a profit.

  2. Build a larger estate.

  3. Increase income.

  4. Time constraints.

  5. Lack of experience to maximize type of real estate.

  6. Relief from financial burdens: Capital improvements, negative cashflow, loan coming due.

  7. Change geographic location: Job or business relocation, family or partner involvement, retire to different climate, closer to home.

  8. Little or no upside.

  9. Inadequate or excess space.

  10. Underutilized asset.

  11. Health. Age. Marital change. Partner change.

  12. Need immediate liquidity.

  13. Status or income change.

  14. Social change or interaction.

  15. Interaction of other investments.

  16. Neighbors or neighborhood.

  17. Vacancy.

  18. Tenant changes / tenant problems.

  19. Environmental concerns.

  20. Underperforming. Overperforming.

  21. Price allotment controls (moratoriums).

  22. Competition.

  23. Dealer vs. Investor status.

  24. Length of lease(s).

  25. Costs of doing business or profit margins.

  26. Creating or divesting a job; i.e., restaurant or motel.

  27. Pride of ownership.

  28. Challenge.

  29. Paradigm shifts - personal or global.

  30. Moral changes.

  31. Recreational needs.

  32. Pets and hobbies.

  33. Tax shelter. 1031 tax considerations. Income tax position.

  34. Lifetime exclusions (residential).

  35. Convert ordinary income to capital gains.

  36. Positive or negative leverage.

  37. Cost recovery or accelerated cost recovery.

  38. Third party influences.

  39. Amortization.

  40. Consolidate properties.

  41. Divide properties.

  42. Death / estate.

  43. Can appraise for higher than selling price.

  44. Financing.

  45. Planning / zoning or other governmental inputs.

  46. Expand commercial premises.

  47. Balance investment portfolio.

  48. Upgrade quality of investments.

  49. Acquire more speculative properties.

  50. Acquire more conservative properties.

  51. Continuity of income and ownership.

  52. For immediate, rather than future, income.

  53. For future, rather than immediate income .

  54. For capital appreciation versus current income .

  55. Anticipate or minimize functional obsolescence .

  56. Restore depreciation which "ran out" on an old property.

  57. Reduce commercial premises, or abandon expansion plans.

  58. Divide one property into several for diversification of risk.

  59. For economy of time, in finding new property after sale of old .

  60. Boost basis for future sale/exchange or depreciation purposes .

  61. For more depreciation via newer property or better land/improvement ratio .

  62. Eliminate, reduce management by acquiring non-/low-management property .

  63. For faster depreciation via older property or unbalanced land/improvement ratio .

  64. Change investment location... For safety, diversity, in anticipation of trends and convenience. 

  65. Exchange leaseback commercial premises, freeing, unlocking frozen equity for now investment .

  66. Create increased capital values by modernizing, improving, upgrading older/run-down property .

  67. Assume management and earn greater yields through active participation while bringing personal fulfillment .

  68. Maximize income &/or prospective income, reduced by changes & trends, and put older property to best use. 

  69. Move personal residence, business or investment realty from and to various locations (i.e. beach, mountains, desert, city, smaller to larger, older to newer, etc.)